What was meant to happen?
Had to construct a roof from using a drawing plan we had drawn up in class.
What did happen?
We started to build the roof correctly according to the plan but then when it came to the minor roof we had a bit of a problem. The measurements (length and the width) were the other way around. so then me and Lole had to go back up to the class room to re draw and find the problem. Also, to see if this would have stuffed up any of the other measurements or angles.
Why did it happen?
This had happened because of a mistake deciding whether the width was the length or the length was the width.
What we did to fix it ?
Me and Lole took our drawing plan back up to the class room and had to re draw the minor roof because of the incorrect measurements. Also had to draw our triangles again. Then bring the plan back to the group to continue on with our project.
One of the Construction industry's main plan to a successful job with any project would have to be a drawing plan. With out a drawing plan this will drag the time of the job further on then it was supposed to be finished at. You are also suppose to be working to the proper dimensions otherwise this would be a hassle.This would be bad for the job because then you will have to find your information from some where else or manufactures and doing that would slow the process of the job. Having a drawing would be very helpful to the job cause there will be specific drawings for the detailed area and those measurements would have to be spot on to otherwise you would not pass the inspection.
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